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Gut health for good health

On Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, we hosted a remarkable event focused on gut health with a distinguished panel of experts:

  • Amani Katie – Nutritional Therapist

  • Lean Weston and Amy Partridge – Co-Founders of Naked Biotics

  • Lucie Hater – Founder, The Gut Feeling App

  • Shiim Ravalia – CEO & Founder of Gut Intuition

gut health panel

What is 'gut health?'

Gut health encompasses the entire digestive system, from the mouth to the intestines. It's crucial for the digestive system to function smoothly without being hindered by stress, poor diet, or incorrect supplements. Poor gut health can lead to issues like bloating, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, and fatigue. Our microbiome, composed of millions of bacteria, plays a vital role, and maintaining its balance is essential.

Key insights from our panel

Self-Care for Gut Health:

  • Take 10 minutes each day for self-care activities like breath work or exercise to reduce stress and improve gut health.

Diversify Your Diet:

  • Eat a variety of fresh foods daily to support a healthy microbiome.

Break the Taboo:

  • Discuss gut health openly with friends to learn and share strategies for improvement.

Comfort with Bodily Functions:

  • Get comfortable discussing and understanding your bowel movements, as they provide vital insights into your gut health.

Consistency is Key:

  • Adopt one healthy habit and stick to it consistently for lasting benefits.

Practical Tips for Improving Gut Health

  • Breathing: Deep, mindful breathing helps relax the body and supports digestion.

  • Morning Routine: Start your day with a walk, grounding exercises, and meditation before engaging with technology.

  • Chewing Food: Chew each bite thoroughly (up to 30 times) to aid digestion and nutrient absorption.

  • Stress Management: Manage stress to prevent its negative impact on digestion. The vagus nerve connects the brain and gut, making stress reduction vital for gut health.

  • Historical Context: Understanding the body's fight-or-flight response helps explain why modern stressors affect digestion.

Nutrition advice for optimal gut health

  • Prebiotics and Probiotics: While beneficial, be cautious and informed about the products you choose.

  • Diverse Diet: Incorporate over 30 different plants weekly to support a healthy microbiome.

  • Consistency Over Trends: Focus on long-term dietary habits rather than short-term trends.

  • Fibre Intake: Aim for the recommended 30g of fibre daily, though most people only consume around 20g.

Guidelines from our nutrition panel

  • Bio Hacks and Supplements: Be selective and well-informed about supplements.

  • Dietary Foundations: Prioritise a diverse diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

  • Professional Guidance: Consult with healthcare providers for personalised advice and before starting new dietary regimens.

  • Gut Health Awareness: Pay attention to bowel movements using tools like the Bristol Stool Chart.

Top nutrition tips

  • Porridge: Enhance with almond butter, nuts, flax seeds, and berries to balance glucose levels.

  • Vegetable Intake: Steam and freeze vegetables for easy incorporation into meals.

  • Milk Alternatives: Soy milk is a preferable choice over oat milk due to higher protein content.

  • Mindful Eating: Enjoy a varied and intuitive diet without demonising any particular foods.

Special considerations for specific situations

  • Fasting: While fasting can be beneficial, individual differences, especially between men and women, should be considered.

  • Low FODMAP Diet: Effective with professional guidance but not recommended for long-term use without supervision.

  • Menopause: Gut health plays a significant role in managing menopause symptoms.

Our panel emphasised that gut health is a comprehensive approach involving diet, lifestyle, stress management, and mindful practices. By focusing on these areas, we can significantly improve our overall well-being.

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