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Social Wellness Club

A community making feeling better in your everyday simple, accessible and achievable.

Together, we thrive.

Our mission is simple: to promote, normalise, and simplify healthier living in your everyday life.

SWC is changing the narrative and offering you a healthier way to socialise and live

Join our online community, flagship events and social meet-ups with like minded individuals you will soon call friends.

Our next event...

SWC Box Hill Run - Ultra Training Session
SWC Box Hill Run - Ultra Training Session
29 Jun 2024, 09:00
Clapham Junction Station

Social Wellness Club Events 

Each Social Wellness Club opportunity is designed around one of four pillars of wellness: nutrition, sleep, mindfulness and activity.

Level up, learn something new, make new friends, and have some fun in the process.


Bringing you a healthier way to socialise. Learn from inspiring speakers. Try samples from new and exciting food & drink brands.  Leave feeling informed, inspired, and with a network of new friends!



No agenda. Just coffee and community (other drinks are available!).

We'll also be tagging on some events either side of Weekend Coffee Clubs for a double dose of SWC! 



Think of these as power hours to deep dive into a topic led by leading keynote speakers,  so you can level up your knowledge and walk away with clear actions.   

Join the Social Wellness Club community

Be the first to know about our events and unlock exclusive event downloads, WhatsApp chats and brand deals for our community.

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©2024 by Social Wellness Club Ltd ©

Company registration number 14990227

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